Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University?
Brahma Kumaris’ Raja Yoga is now promoted
behind the facade of new age, positive thinking, values based and
coporate training courses.
Many individuals experience benefit from these. Indeed, some individuals can look back at their time as a “student” of the BKWSU positively. However, whether right or wrong, at the core of BKWSU teachings and lifestyles are identical elements to recognised cult behaviour. Elements that are hidden from the general public and slowly introduced during the process of indoctrination.
Many individuals experience benefit from these. Indeed, some individuals can look back at their time as a “student” of the BKWSU positively. However, whether right or wrong, at the core of BKWSU teachings and lifestyles are identical elements to recognised cult behaviour. Elements that are hidden from the general public and slowly introduced during the process of indoctrination.
Whilst claiming to have 8,500 centres in 100
countries, the vast majority of these are privately owned residential
homes and apartments, many taking donations to pay for personal
mortgages. The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University is not an
educational institution but an unaccredited new religious movement.
Brahma Kumari beliefs include;
» belief in the imminent destruction of this world by an unavoidable Nuclear Holocaust (now overdue by 30 to 50 years)
» belief in themselves as the only true messengers of God.
» belief that God only speaks to them and them alone in person at their Indian headquarters via a mediumistic channeller.
» hypnagogic, trance-like practises and repetitive auto-suggestion.
» fixation on attracting VIPs to enhance their credibility and act as “microphones” for their message.
» exaggerated distinction between “pure”
(their teachings and activities) and “impure” (the rest of the World’s
opinions and leaders)
» exaggerated sense of self-importance (they being topknot “Brahmins”), the rest of the World (Untouchables or “Shudras”)
» belief in an unrealistic view of science, e.g. all of time existing within one endlessly repeating 5,000 year timeframe.
» a slow and gradual re-writing of their core beliefs as they fail.
» unquestionable and unaccountable non-democratic leadership.
» amassing of considerable wealth from followers under such pressures.
» complete separation from non-BKs by complete control of diet, demanding lifestyle, celibacy.
» graphic exaggeration of the plight of
those that leave the group ; “grinding of teeth like the sound of
mustard seeds … crying tears of blood at Destruction”, sexual activity
being like “throwing one’s self from a 5th storey high building”, having
to face a severe God at Judgement Day.
» secrecy, revision and disguise of the nature and process of teachings.
» intense and long lasting social and psychological problems within individuals leaving the organisation.
The Brahma Kumaris encourage followers;
» not to eat food cooked by impure non-followers such as physical relatives.
» to practice detachment from parents and children.
» to separate from non-Brahma Kumari
partners and family so as not to make any more “karmic accounts” with
them that would be obstacles to their path.
Under these pressures, individuals are
willing to put aside reason and surrender themselves mind, body and
wealth, to the will of senior members of the BKWSU. Most of these senior
members are professionally untrained in any manner whatsoever. Despite
dabbling with perhaps the deepest levels of the human mind, many of
these senior members have only ever had a basic education, e.g. 3 years
schooling, and no professional experience. One senior BK recently
estimated that in India there were as many as 20,000 so-called teachers
that have had no training whatsoever. The curriculum and teaching
methods have been likened to that of a primary school or kindergarten
where followers are infantilized as children.
In this situation, individuals are open to
manipulation, the influence of the group or other psyches. Major life
decisions are taken on their behalf under the guise of “God’s
instructions”. They take on many new, extreme and unproven beliefs
unquestioningly in a wish to be accepted. At the point of the failure in
these beliefs, or the failure in trust of those self-elected senior
practitioners, ex-members are almost without any social support
mechanism whatsoever.
Ex-Brahma Kumaris (female) and ex-Brahma
Kumars (male) are often unable or unwilling to accept the help of
family, or even the help of professionals, who have not gone through the
same experience. The strength of mind, developed will or depth of ill
explained experience make ex-BK Raja Yogis very independent, detached
and resilient.
The organization’s mental training roots
distrust of non-B.K.s at a deep, even sub-conscious level. It is
suggested that perhaps only others that have gone through similar
experiences can help to explain these, share their pain and make
suggestions on how to survive.
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