Wednesday, March 2, 2016

False history - Original Pictures

14 to 18 years of complete and utter contradiction been covered up. Newcomers have been duped into give their lives up, academics have been lied to, there has been one big cover up by the Seniors to protect their status.
All the times followers sat down with them to ask questions about the early days, how they remembered Baba (lekhraj), what the practice were etc. They were lying blind to all of them and they went out and lied to newcomers on the basis of this. No wonder Sudesh used to sit and giggle and fluff answers in her embarrassed manner. 

The miracle of this is that at some point the Brahma-kumaris must have all sat down and CONSCIOUSLY AGREED to just “SHUT UP” and “MENTION NOTHING …” to the stupid whities (and blacks) that were to come along at a latter day. Planned to con the followers. It is pointless to mention which Seniors because IT IS ALL OF THEM.

It might be a waste of time to engage with the BKWSU if you expect honest on one hand; but on the other, who this stuff will be useful for are

        a) newcomers … to warn them of the organizations ability to change the goal posts at will, and
        b) lawyers … if any BK/ex-BK wishes to sue the BKWSU for loss of earnings, damages etc.

The English book is “A Unique Experience”. Autobiography of  Vishwa Ratan, (“Ek Anokha Anubhav” in Hindi) it is explained how Vishwa Ratan was assigned to draw the 4 pictures – Kalpa Tree, Timurti, Wheel Drama, Ladder. Lekhraj instructed him to draw the faces of Gandhi, Jinna in the leaves of The Tree, and Stalin and Harry S. Truman at the top of The Tree. Lekhraj instructed  to draw Lekhraj at the roots, and when Vishwa Ratan completed it and returned to show Lekhraj, and he replied. “Yes, it is correct”.

Lekhraj then told him to draw the following 8 next to Lekhraj and “Mama” : Didi Man Mohini, Dadi Prakashmani, Dada BrijIndra, Dadi Dhyani, Dadi Shantamani, Dadi Brijshanta, Dada Vishwa Kishore, and Dada Vishwa Ratan. 3 Dadis and 1 Dada on each side.  no Dadi janki or Dadi Gulzar?

The Kalpa Tree : This was the first to be done.

Dada said his picture of The Tree was to have Roosevelt and Stalin, which would date it between 1933 and 1945.

The Original picture  has Truman and Stalin, which would date it between 1945 and 1953 

      The rosary of 108 is the rosary of Divine Father Sun of Knowledge and Divine Mother Moon of Knowledge, e.g. Kirpalani and Radhe. The two beads at the top are them. No mention of Shiva.

Proof That the Brahma-kumaris thought Brahma (Lekhraj)  was God, as written out of their history. Also note that it is “Prajapati” not “prajapita”.

“Chitra itnaa badaa banaana chaahiye jo likhat bhi aa jaaye.”  “The pictures should be so large that the write-up is also included in it.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 26.12.06, pg.2 published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba)

        The two Christian Cats are Harry S. Truman in office April 12, 1945 – January 20, 1953 and  Stalin. This correlates with other writings in which the Brahma-kumaris of that time state that WWII is Destruction. There is no mention of nuclear holocaust in the first place, only gas which was the big fear at the time post-WWI. It is a later addition.

        The Soviet Union developed and tested their first nuclear weapon in 1949 which corroborated that this picture and the revisions of The Knowledge came around this period. The source of the picture is dated 1949.

The Dada wrote about just finishing the images as they were getting on a boat to Abu, although I think that refers to the red and white block printed one and not this hand finished one.

India detonated it first Nuclear Weapon on May 18, 1974 at a desert site 150 kilometers from the Pakistani border near the village of Pokhran, in Rajasthan. What India’s leader, Indira Gandhi, insisted was a “peaceful nuclear explosive”

In the early works of the BKs in the 30s and early 40s, there is NO mention of Nuclear weapons. It is bombs and “gas”, old WWI / WWII fears. The adoption of the myth to include nuclear come later. No wonder if it was just a few hundred kilometers from Abu.  Connect the 1976 predictions to these events in 1974. The usual “one year or so” they had been rolling on since the early days.

The whole story is a cover up and a fudge. A mixing up of two different series of events which is why you cant trust them just because they are “nice”. It is not nice. It is so “polished” that they are slippery, the Dadas are all sitting there smug knowing that they are feeding lies.

Same image, worth it for the typed message. More Prajapati God Brahma, real identity as Lord Sree Krishna, Supreme Guide of would-be Deities, the Master of Brahm, Brahmand & Brahmpuri.

The picture above is also special in a sense that the two cats are not shown above The Tree, but on the right side of the stem.

Near the bottom it says,

Divine Father Prajapati God Brahma, Corporeal Re-Incarnation of Incorporeal God Vishnu (Chaturbhuj) is the SEED. World Almighty Authority, Prajapati God Brahma … has re-incarnated in ordinary human form along with His 108 most beloved self-conquering luckiest Divine Ones …in Bharat on the banks of Sindhu Saraswati RIver in the year 1939 AD, and has organised the most supreme Rajsuva Asvamedh Avinashi Gyan Yagya which lasts for 12 years through Divine power of Supreme “Aham Brahm Asmi” Faith.

The figure of 1937 plus 12 takes up to 1949 on a par with the other poster dated 1949 that claimed Destruction was “within a year”. So they clearly had instructions about this, but where did the 12 year figure come in? Early Murlis that have also been destroyed?

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